Tuesday, April 3, 2012

day number three

okay not going to lie. lately i have been hating on photography. but truthfully, it has just been super stressful. seriously. last weekend was the first weekend i was able to sit and do nothing. i watched four movies on netflix in two days! i mean, i didn't have art homework. i didn't have to do anything with photography. i did, because i went out and shot for myself. which i haven't been able to do in a super long time. but yes. today was sort of one of those days where i was like "seriously! PHOTOGRAPHY NEEDS TO DIE!" i got a project back and no matter how hard i try i feel like i am not doing the best. but yes. before you say anything i already asked about things to do to get my grade where i want it to be. so have you ever had those days where you just hate the world? i seriously think i have been having to many of those days and there are certain people that are in different worlds. like my best friend, he has been part of the world i have been hating the last few times and i feel bad about it. the funny thing though, after we finally sit and talk about whatever is going on we end up talking for hours. and when i mean hours i mean HOURS. i was over at his place by 9:00pm yesterday (i hated the world yesterday ... mondays are just bad days lately) and i didn't really say much to him until about 11:00pm. i mean, we talked a little. like said comments towards what we were talking about but nothing more. and then after his roommate (my friend) went to bed we sat in his room and talked about a lot of things until 1:30am. and after finding out about the juried show (hated the world that day haha) we ended up talking from maybe 11pm until 2am. seriously. this is why i call him my best friend. i can ignore him while at his house and then finally we talk about things. for example. i call him an "ass" or even an "asshole" and he doesn't care. because he can tell when i am being serious or not. how he tells i have no idea but whatever. he is basically my "life" when it comes to people to talk too. and NO we are not dating. haha. people ask me that all the time. but no, we have a weird friendship but no we are not dating. i did have a huge crush on him in high school. yes i went to high school with him and then we ended up at the same college together. not because i wanted to go to the same school as him. we have a great art program here. i didn't want to go to MCAD because well... ew. but yeah. he is my best friend, we have a weird friendship. now you might be asking what is so weird about it. okay. one. friends don't flirt. two. friends don't hold hands and cuddle after drinking (shut it. we are not that drunk. we remember everything that happens) and three. friends don't give hugs every time they see each other (when it comes to a guy and girl. girl and girl that is different) but yes. there is your little history of me and my friend who will remain nameless. haha!

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