howdy yall. okay so this week so far at work at been...well lets say interesting. monday, michael, my ex-team lead from corkscrew got FIRED! i know i shouldn't be happy about this but guess what i am. i dont think i've hated someone that much ever..and i mean EVER. five other people got fired on monday. another team lead in my area and a few team members. bahaha. man it was weird. the reason they got fired was because management found out about a party, and they are all underage. so michael came to work drunk i guess. at 2:30pm he blew a 0.05 on a breathalyzer test. i mean seriously who does that. but what i dont get is why the girl who supplied them the alcohol didn't get her butt in trouble. doesn't make since. people are getting fired all around it seems. who knows right now.
anywho, so i can't seem to figure out how to sleep. lol. seriously. sleep is missing in my life it seems.. however on my days off i get to sleep in as long as i want. haha. is it sad that i can sleep until noon somedays? i have never been able to unless i didn't go to bed until 5am or something. but i go to bed early and sleep for 12 or so hours. who knows. whoooooooo knooooows.
so i made the biggest mistake in my life right now. i was suppose to have saturday/sunday off this week. but i gave my sunday to a girl who was suppose to have it off but our supervisor messed up. so i just gave it to her so they wouldn't have to change everyones schedule. so then i realized that if i DIDNT give up my weekend, i gave another girl my saturday because of her brothers grad party and she forgot to take it off, but if i didnt i would of had saturday/sunday/monday off. i could have gone up north to moorhead for the weekend! ugh. dumb. so now i have only today off [thursday] and monday off. booo.....
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