Thursday, April 14, 2011

Can't be your saviour, I don't have the power

jayden's phone went off more times then it has in a month it seemed. she knew who the calls and texts were from but she couldn't find herself answering them phone for any of them. jayden has never been afraid of jaycee but for some reason this dream just made her not want to answer her phone and just lay in bed. she has been crying most of the day that she started to cry herself to sleep, but she was trying so hard not to fall asleep again. seeing how there was no point in her sleeping because she didn't want to see that dream, or well, nightmare again. the girl tired to keep her eyes open, however that wasn't going to happen. she had been crying for the longest time and finally her body just gave up and her mind let her finally fall back asleep.

on the irish mafia side of the state, jaycee had just returned from the hospital and was going to tell jayden how vince was doing. he was fine, but the doctors wanted to keep him for a while just to make sure nothing else happens to him. he figured she was sleeping the first time he called her so he just text her to tell her. he went on with his day trying to figure out jobs and all the wonderful underboss business that goes with his title. he needed jayden to come get her gift and he had told her to come get it after she slept a little bit. however he hasn't heard from her all day and he knew she didn't sleep all day long either. the boy called her again around one and then again a few minutes after she didn't pick up the phone. he was getting worried about her and yet he just shrugged it off and went on with his business. he knew her and knew she was probably out and about doing something girly like she does.

jaycee went on with his day trying to call jayden to see where the hell she was. he hated when she didn't come into his office or show up at the family house for a bit, just to check in. he started to call her every five minute but she still wasn't picking up. "jackson! get in here now!" he called out to one of his men who normally worked with jayden. jackson came walking in with his hands pocketed and with a confused look on his face. "you called sir?" he asked and stood in front of jaycee's desk. "have you heard or seen jayden yet today? she isn't answering her phone and she hasn't been in from what i can tell." jackson shook his head no and turned to leave. jaycee was worried now, something was wrong. jayden always was around when she didn't have a job unless jaycee told her to get the hell out of the house. jaycee called one more time and then just got fed up. grabbing his keys he stormed out of the house and jumped into his car.

speeding to jayden's house he didn't even knock on the door he just went in. he didn't care, he knew she was home due to her car sitting in the driveway and not in the garage. "jayden.." he said as he checked the living room, kitchen, study and then finally headed up the stairs. he knew she wasn't in the shower since she had already taken one when he first called her today. checking the spare bedroom and then finally he came to her room. the boy knocked and turned the handle and popped his head in. seeing the girl there hugging her pillow, and sleeping he seemed concerned. jaycee has been in her bed before, not because he has slept with her, but because he has been there when she needed him. yes he doesn't say i love you to her but that is because he doesn't say it to anyone. crawling into her bed he tucked her hair behind her ear. "hey you. answer your phone."  jaycee wasn't all bad, he had a soft side to him even though he never really showed it while at work or around those who worked for him. right away he saw her eyes open slightly and then he noticed fear in her eyes.


so today started my weekend. in a way. since i have a field trip in the morning. ugh. but ya. i hate the drive home because it is fourish hours of nothing but farm land that is flooding. yay for the flood. ugh. no i dont care that i am home. i think it will do me some good being off campus because i normally dont talk to friends from school when i am home. which is good because lately they have been driving me nuts. why? because i hate getting the question of. "why are you friends with...." it is driving me fucking nuts! i am sorry if you dont like my friends or something but guess what. sometimes your friends drive me nuts to. yes someone might be a dick to me in person but that doesn't always mean they are an asshole when its just the two of us hanging out. and yes i understand i can do better but guess what. i am just tired of being asked the question that i am starting to let it bug me more then it probably should.

ha funny thing about college. you figure out who you are when get you there. in high school you dont realize who you are completely. well yeah, so i have changed since high school and from last year. basically i have an opinion and normally i dont speak my mind but i have been a lot lately. sure i dont tell people what i really want them to hear. but meh. i dont care. if you piss me off enough i might finally tell you how i feel. its just like people wanting me to help them. i can only help them so much before i start hating people for it. who knows maybe i just need to turn my phone off all weekend. or just ignore those i dont want to talk to. since i am suppose to meet up with my twin for dinner saturday. which i am looking forward to.

anywho blog. i am tired and i feel like sleeping is the next best thing!

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