Monday, April 4, 2011

tell me something i dont already know?!

day number four! [haha yes i know. i failed yesterday.] okay so i just had my art history exam. seriously how do they expect up to remember all of these artist names?! i mean you have Goya, Cole, Copley, um...Adam, David, Hogarth see! there are a long more but i dont remember them all. but still i know that i got one of my IDs wrong since i messed up on the artist since it was Adam and yeah. oh well. so we have Holga cameras right now for photography. yeah there are light leaks in the camera, which is normally bad but this is suppose to be a good thing for them. who knows. but all i know is i haven't had the motivation to do any of my photography assignments. which is sad. maybe i need summer to come so i can have some time away from photography. even though i have to buy a camera and a laptop for class. but anywho, yeah we will see. 

so like i said i was going to maybe start typing a story for you all. and i haven't really figured out what type of story to do. seeing how lately i haven't been able to figure out stuff with my writing muse. yay writers block. mer. i haven't a clue. i am trying to figure out what i could write about. i have an idea but i dont know how to start it out. hm.. we will see i suppose. okay lets try this. well maybe i will try it later since i cant seem to figure out what the heck to write about. i mean, i could do something with a criminal. that sounds like a good idea about stuff. mer. haha how about a criminal, the mafia and the fact that she falls in love with a lawyer but shouldn't be falling in love with him because of her past and what she does for a living. i might do that. when i am not distracted with stupid homework right now. so tomorrow. if i have time tonight i will start writing it and then put some of it up for tomorrow. haha. i have no idea what i feel like writing about. 

wow i feel like i am repeating myself a lot. so anywho, this weekend was fun. i didnt do much friday. and saturday i went and had a fun time with three high school friends and two friends from college. and yeah lets just say that i was feeling high and mighty. no i wasn't high. but i was smashed. it was fun. why? because it was . haha. no i dont go out every weekend and drink. but i do every once in a while. does it bother people? yes, yes it does. but does it bother me? no because i am smart when i do it. bahaha. so ya! if you have a problem with it. then bite me. sorry but people live their own lives and every once in a while they are allowed to have fun. why am i talking about this? i dont have a clue. but i have some friends that are probably against it. and that is perfectly fine. i am not going to hide who i am anymore. i mean why hide something from people that is me.


having the life of a criminal isn't always the way it is suppose to be. working with the irish mafia is also annoying when the person who you are working for treats you like his sister but at the same time treats you like shit at the same time. jaycee martin williams has been treating jayden avery huntington like a sister and yet she tries to get him to say that he loves her like a sister for the longest time but she hasn't been able to. why? who the hell knows at this point. he has been in really weird mood swings for the longest time. jayden never knows how to fix things with him because he is being stupid and likes to push her away. it doesn't matter anyway, she has found her fun in life and that is hacking into banks to get money out of clients accounts that owe the williams money. yes jayden was a hacker and she was the best out there. sometimes she gets caught and then she calls her lawyer, well jaycee's lawyer and best friend but still, she was able to call him as well. its funny how she can get out of anything when it came to vincent ryan porter. he has always been there for jayden and she hates that about him. why does she hate that about him? because she is slowing starting to fall in love with him and she doesn't want to be in love with him. why? because she is something that he hates, he cant stand that she is into crime and she is told this every time he bails her out of jail. 

jayden is a girl that likes to take chances and likes to cause people pain, which is why she never went into the career she was going to be in after graduating college. jayden graduated college, but then she figured out that she was good at hacking and the williams offered her a job better then any photography business could offer her. she still does photography on the side, when she finally gets a day off from being stupid with her life. jayden's parents and basically her whole family hates her right now because of it. her sister doesn't even talk to her and they live a few cities away from each other.  she didnt give a crap really it was just something that gave her nightmares sometimes. jayden has the worst nightmares but never talks to anyone about them. she figures they mean nothing but sometimes they keep her awake all night and there are times that she doesn't go to sleep unless she takes cold meds and lately they haven't been working at all. she just ignores them lately and when someone asks she just tells them it is nothing and she was up late working on a case for jaycee. 

however today of all days she wasn't having a nightmare, she was in a nightmare. she was sitting in the interrogation room with her favorite chief of police, parker lauren johnson. parker was out to destroy jayden's life and for some reason today was probably going to be her day. she doesn't know how jayden got caught this time because she was being really careful about everything she did. sitting there in the handcuffs jayden just smirked. she wasn't going to jail or anything, because she had already called jaycee who wasn't happy but he had called vincent to come bail her out again. yes jayden has been caught a few times but that was earlier when she started her life of crime. "damn parker there is no way you are keeping me here today" jayden said smirking like she always did. parker just looked at jayden and laughed at her. "nice try walsh. but i have you this time. you fucked up big time and there is no way you are getting out of my claws today." parker got closer to jaydens face and jayden just smirked. she could hear someones voice getting closer and closer and she knew who it was. just before she could say anything the door opened and the one voice she was waiting to hear called in "ms. walsh do no say anything else. johnson, nice to see you again. now if you could please let me client go i would be more then happy." he said and parker just shook her head no. the two of them talked it out and jayden was told to shut up basically over and over again. the girl just sat there finally and ignored them. vincent wouldn't let her talk at all and she didn't care. she was able to smirk and parker most likely thought it was her smirking about him bailing her out again. however, she was smirking at the fact that she gets to see vincent be all lawyer like. 

finally jayden was free and she just walked out of the room not waiting for vincent this time. well normally she doesn't but sometimes he makes her wait for her and she normally doesn't listen and then she gets yelled at by jaycee. which is funny because that was going to happen soon anyway, seeing how jaycee was already pissed off at her. jayden walked out of the station and of course her car was already picked up by some of jaycee's people she was walking home. it wasnt to bad outside so it didn't matter if she walked or not. she just pulled her jacket tighter around her and started walking through central park. vincent followed her and had sighed "jayden stop right there." she wasn't going to listen but for some reason she stopped and turned around to look at him. of course she had that look in her eyes like she didn't care about him but deep down she was screaming for him to just touch her. "what do you want vince?" the girl said starting to get cold. she hated new york weather, it was a bitch when it got cold out. she knew it was worse in other places in the united states but she didn't have time to go on a vacation. vince however just looked at her "when is this going to stop jay? parker is going to get a ton of shit on you and then there is no way that i am going to bail you out! could you please just try and be smart about this shit." he said slightly upset at her. the boy had his own secrets that she did not know about him. there was no file on him anywhere and yet she has tired to look for one. vincent has heart problems, and he is suppose to take medicine when he is starting to feel pain come on. today he forgot his medication at home because he was in a hurry from home to get to the office and then to go bail jayden out. jayden just looked at him and laughed a little. "seriously vince, i dont normally get caught! i dont know how they figured it out and now i have to go get screamed at by jaycee. so go a head and just leave me in there. for crying out loud, it might do me some good dont you think? i mean whatever will the williams do if i end up in jail. ha i am sure i can handle everything on my own." she was being a bitch and he was getting pissed off at her. she always did this to him and he wasnt sure why. deep down he was in love with her, even though the girl he was suppose to marry died in a horrible accident that he hates talking about. which is probably why there is no file on him, jaycee took care of that for him. vincent looked at the girl and just shook his head. "fine then. dont have him call me the next time you get in trouble. and if he does call me i will just tell him you dont want me to bail you out anymore. it doesn't look good for me anyway!" he said as he hugged his jacket closer to him as well. the boy just stared at her perfect lips. he wanted to kiss her so badly but couldnt. he was having a hard time getting over the fact that she was beautiful and very smart but being in the life of a criminal. vincent knew what was going on, he started to feel a pain in his chest and he just turned, closed his eyes and tried to stop this feeling from happening. "just go home jayden." he said not wanting her to see him in pain and yet he didn't realize he forgot his medication until he reached into his pockets and didn't feel a bottle in them. "of fuck" he said to himself and yet she could hear him still. 

jayden looked at vince sort of concerned about what was going on. "whats wrong vince?" she said and he didn't answer. she sighed and was getting annoyed even more. "vincent ryan porter what is wrong!" yes she knew his whole name, and yet she only used it to drive him nuts. "nothing jayden go home." he said as he started to walk away. she sighed and just turned around and started walking towards her place. vincent was trying to get his cell phone to call someone to help him but he fell to the ground and just laid there. he couldn't help but moan in pain. jayden didn't know why, but something told her to look back at him. and when she did her eyes became very wide and she ran over to him. falling onto her knees she grabbed her cell phone and pressed the numbers 9-1-1 she knew it was a bad idea because they probably thought she was being stupid for calling. "911 whats the emergency?" said a women and then jayden answered very quickly. "please, i need an ambulance right away! a man is in pain, i think he is having a heart attack or something. we are in central park by the police station." jayden said as she listened to the women tell her someone is on their way. she knew some police officers would be running over here quickly and she was correct. the person she saw was parker and she knew she needed to try to explain she didn't do anything. parker didn't say anything to her right away. all she did was run over to vincent and check to see what was wrong. some other officer asked her question and it wasn't long before the ambulance was there and he was on a stretcher. jayden didn't go with but she knew she had to call jaycee and tell him. jayden wasn't sure what to do right now, she was just concerned about vincent and what jaycee was going to say. jayden grabbed vincent's briefcase and stood there for a while unsure what to do...........

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