Friday, April 1, 2011


so its been awhile since i last typed something. why? because there hasnt been much to say lately and thats okay. oh well that is fine. there has been really bad days and good days. the retreat was this weekend and the only uncomfortable thing was the bible studies. i am not one to do that and i haven't been able to figure out what to say during them either. also, today is April Fool's day.. woo? i could care less. since it isn't fun anymore. i mean, today is my aunt jenny's birthday. which means she would have been 73 haha no she would have been 37 today. which sucks. because it isnt a day to call my grandma because this is going to be the horrible day for anyone in the family. anywho, so lately i have been in a blah mood. probably because ive been sick but whatever.

so today is twins opener! which is awesome. i dont have a twins jersey or anything. which is sad. because i realy want one. haha. i have no idea. i am not a really big twins fan. but i plan on going to a game or two this year. hopefully. so anywho. this one is going to be short probably because i have no idea what to talk about. haha. so my friend Banana and I are going to try and post a blog every day in April. haha this should be interesting because it is hard to talk about things sometimes! HAHAHA! :) i mean haha oh well. we will see how it goes!

later blog! hopefully i have something to talk about later.

1 comment:

  1. You and Banana along with several nerdfighters... And that isn't including the people that are doing VEDA... Your welcome for letting you two know about BEDA :D
