Wednesday, May 25, 2011

where in the world is ....

its been...i dont know how long. haha. probably a week? who knows i'm slightly to lazy to go back and look at my blogs. but i feel like i dont have much to talk about anymore. why? because i've been at work, and the only thing i could do is complain about work. which i dont want to do anymore because there is no point in it. not like what i say can change anything, as much as i would like it too.

so you know what i think is funny. how people are so judgmental. haha. nothing to do with what my earlier blogs are about. but seriously. i posted a status on facebook with the word "fuck" in my neighbors, best friends parents who live next door to my grandparents. well her dad decided to call me out on front of my mom. yeah..well my mom liked my status. pretty sure she doesn't give a shit what i say. bugs me. another thing is, i had to sit there and bite my tongue because they have no idea that i drink. so i heard them complain about how kids graduate high school go to college and think they have to drink. erm.... yeah... i'm glad i am turing 21 soon. haha.

anywho...this sucks...i need to think of things to talk about ...mer ..... maybe a funny story will happen at work and i will tell you then..

Friday, May 20, 2011

that weird feeling you get when you have to cough..

ever get that feeling in your chest when you have to cough? that weird feeling...yeah that has been happening to me a lot lately. and i have no idea why. and i dont have time to go get it looked at. mer...

okay so my awesome [cute twins fan] supervisor gave me today off randomly. he needed to give people the day off because we werent opening with two trains today. i guess it wasn't as busy as they thought it would be. i'm not complaining or anything about getting the day off. i got to chillax at home and then not have to rush home to make it to my brothers band concert! however what i am annoyed with [sorry i am complaining] is my team lead. i'm sorry but i am tired of his bull shit right now. i dont think i havent liked someone this much before at work. i am happy i have a job and everything but right now, i would rather be on campus and not dealing with him. he is my team lead at corkscrew and i know the ride better then him! ugh it makes me mad because all he does is complain about his team. saying and i quote "i must have gotten the retarded people this year. they must have stringed out everyone and gave me the stupid members" and so and so "is stupid and slow." and "it wasn't hard to decide who i was sending home. they were annoying me and i dont like them." SERIOUSLY HOW CAN YOU BE A TEAM LEAD IF YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT YOUR TEAM?! my problem is he keeps bitching and complaining about work on facebook. like today, he was complaining about being sent home early. i'm sorry. EVERYONE is getting sent home if they are NOT needed. i dont care if he is the TEAM LEAD or not. ugh!! he makes me so mad. [i was at cork last year if i didnt say that before]

i dont know what i should do. i have my supervisor [not the cute one] telling me i should talk to him about what he is doing wrong at cork. um...HELLO! isn't that YOUR JOB?! ugh...i do NOT UNDERSTAND! it sucks. i'm tired of it. i already hate going into work. i shouldn't have to HATE going into work. because WORK is suppose to be fun at valleyfair! i feel bad that i complain to my old team lead but i am thankful for him listening to me complain about stuff. i dont think i would be able to get through the day with out him or monica listening and helping me try and solve things. who knows.. they want me to email my manager and i am afraid to email him because i dont know how far is to far.

i might sleep on it. or i might just email him tonight.

later blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011


so i never use to watch HOUSE right? well i have my two friends to thank for getting me addicted to the show! i hate that sometimes. being addicted to a show because friends have made me watch it with them. haha who knows. who knows. haha. so i just realized its only been three days since i wrote a blog. nothing really to talk about. i started work and everything. funny thing is, i wasn't suppose to start full time until tomorrow. but i worked, thursday, friday, and sunday. haha. funny right?

work is...well different this season. i dont have the same team a.k.a the dream team anymore. which sucks because i have to get to know a whole new team. ugh. i mean, i have only worked one day with them and now it is weird. i have been noticing things that they are already doing wrong. which most of them are safety violations. man oh man. it is funny cause monica is at pow tow. and we talk about everything together. basically if i am not at work, she tells me what happens because she hears about it through my TL and then i talk to my old TL about it. it is fun and yet weird. i have to get use to having a new team.

so the crappy thing, i have to work EXTRA HARD in the fall in order to apply to study abroad in Italy! ugh. that stupid math class fucked my gpa up. however i passed it and what not. oh well. who knows. this is just a blog to write since it is weird not writing everyday. i think tonight might be SMOOTHIE night! :D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

holy crap summer is here

oh hey! so this is my last blog in my dorm! :( i have about an hour until i check out which is fun and yet depressing. tonight is the last bond movie night and i am missing out. ugh. my friend promised we would watch it before today however, another friend made him break that promise. which is fine i suppose. i guess that means we will be hanging out over the summer. okay so we "promise" to hang out. haha. we always say we will hang out and promise but it never seems to happen. which is funny i suppose. oh well.

hm.. its so weird right now. my room is empty other then my laptop and some junk that i need to carry out. hm.. my car is PACKED to the point of no one can fit in my car with me. tee hee. i hated packing though. it took forever and i know i will be sore from lifting my fridge. yeah yeah i was suppose to wait for a friend to help me. but i didnt want to wait. i got up earlier then i thought so i figured i would just do it myself. haha. i have no idea what to talk about right now though.

oh! i know. so i got my portfolio and i was so close to the grade i wanted. haha. but i got high marks on my portfolio this time! i was pumped when i saw that and i passed my math class. which i studied my ass off for. hm.. well i suppose. i should shut my laptop down for now. i shall write another blog later! when i am home haha.

later blog!! SUMMER TIME BABY!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My momma always said..

 My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." 

today is mothers day! and tomorrow is my moms birthday! haha. sometimes i think my mom is lucky to have her birthday on mothers day and/or around it. who knows. its funny cause i remember making my mom little things in school for mothers day and now i'm in college. ha. i wonder how my mom feels about normally my brothers and i would also go out and buy her a new charm for her necklace but i dont think she has worn it for a while due to the chain breaking. hm.. maybe that could be her next present! yeah! it was funny cause i remember getting mad at my brother for not remembering my moms birthday two years ago....yes? yes. cause it was on a saturday. and this year i didnt want to call my mom because i would be calling her again tomorrow. haha. oh well. i called her anyway. i felt bad because i wasn't in the best of moods seeing how today is a rainy cloudy day and i just want to sleep but i cant due to finals. she didnt care though. she never seems to care if i call and vent to her about stupid things. 


this is my break from studying for finals. haha. i dont want to study. studying means focusing. but it is hard to focus when you feel like your brain is dying already. i haven't really been able to focus it seems like since i got done with my portfolio review on thursday. however! i re-did 93.33% of my portfolio. the only one in the class to redo it. i had one that i turned in for a grade during the semester. see, we have to have 5 new prints that no one has seen in the portfolio and i print 14 new images. some of them had multiple images on a mat board. so i spent about .... 15 hours printing. and 12 hours matting?  yeah i felt like death after that. it was funny though, cause i didnt think i looked tired. but my professor looks at me and goes "you look like crap kayla. how much sleep have you gotten lately?" and i told him i was up late matting and what not. and finally told him i have 14 new prints and he was impressed. 


THUNDER AND LIGHTNING!!! WOOOT!!!! i'm excited and yet i need to focus and not be happy about a thunderstorm! :D

later blog!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

silly little love songs

wednesday at 1:30 pm is when i am leaving for home. can't believe i am saying this but i am happy to be going home. my summer plans got changed when i took my job back at vfair. i wasn't planning on going back to valleyfair this summer because i wanted to get a head start on my minor over the summer. however, i am just doing that during the fall. it seems a little weird that my best friends are graduating next year. truth? i have no idea what i would do with out them right now. they know how to make me relax and not be stressed. yes that does mean drinking sometimes but sometimes it just means being around them. dont get me wrong, i am trying to get over to italy for a year after they graduate. which is probably why i didn't apply to go next year because i want to be around them so i dont miss them. well i know i will miss them because i have gotten so much closer with them this year that over the high school years. i dont know. i know i will miss one of them the most because we have become really close over the last 5ish school years. going to be 6 in the fall. hm.. i love them a ton.

so glee last week was titled "born this way" and there is a song that every girl probably can relate to.

really though. how many girls think they are unpretty and do not like who they are? maybe not as a person but as their appearance. some girls want to look like that girl while another wants to be someone else. maybe a model or an actress. we have people in the world to be our role models but yet how far is to far? i'm not going to lie. i hate ... well i guess i dont hate. i dont like how i look. i try to hide how i feel about myself but this song makes me think and wonder about things. i know it is my choice to lose the weight. and believe me, that is one reason i am extremely happy to be going back to vfair  because i know i will lose the weight because i am on my feet all day long moving and i dont get to eat as much. seeing how i normally dont eat much during the summer and since summer is normally hot i always feel sick when i eat and its super hot out.

so tuesday was my two friends from high school's 21st birthday. and believe me. i think i caught up to them well enough. i smoked my first cigar that night! it was awesome. i enjoyed it. i do not remember falling asleep however, which makes it slightly weirded out. but other then that it was a good night. i drink with my high school friends and a friend i met in college. i tend to be the only girl there, which is fine. my friends fiance will join us after she gets back from eurospring. man i can not wait until i dont have to say sorry for drinking anymore. i already told my friends once i turn 21 if i say i'm sorry for drinking that they need to slap me.

well i need to get studying for my two finals. math and art history. ugh. i'm nervous!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ever wonder if tv shows have an impact on what you believe?

so have you ever wondered if tv shoes have an impact on your beliefs? i mean, seriously have you ever watched Supernatural? the fact that Lucifer is out to kill people, and ha, well he is "no more" per-say seeing how well, who knows. someone asked if i believe in the devil and i said no, because after watching supernatural i haven't believed in many supernatural things. yeah yeah i know. blah blah. oh well. haha.

so lately the song Losing My Religion has been my favorite song for some reason. who knows. i have these weird periods where one song i just love listening to and then i hate it. so hopefully i dont start hating this song. mer so i feel like i am blogged out. why? because i just spent a month typing out blogs. sorry that my final blog for april was REALLY short. i was at the school play again and then my mom and i went to dinner finally. so it was super late and getting close to May 1st. so yeah. haha. oh well. i just needed to post something.

so this weekend i went to work. well i went home and then to work. valleyfair baby! which is funny because i am working at CORKSCREW again! woo! i really hope i get the co-lead position this season! because one, more money, two i get to be a little special. and second more hours basically! :D bahahaha.

yeah well lets just see.

later blog!