Wednesday, April 18, 2012

day number eighteen

been super super busy lately... or well today. so we are having an art sale for photo guild, ceramics guild and works on paper. but yeah. it is sweet. i just want some of my prints to sell. i spent 10$ printing all the prints. it might not seem like a lot but it is. so yeah. i don't know. i feel like this whole blogging thing is boring to people. i haven't had anything to write about and idk. i have topics but i feel like i need to be in the right mood to talk about them. and i am guessing no one reads this blog anyway... so.... yeah. maybe after this i am going to be done with blogging for a while. i mean, i have tumblr and i am doing blog every day thing there but yeah... i with there was a way to tell if people are reading your blog. until tomorrow

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

day number seventeen

so i didn't have school today. but guess what. i had school work to do. seriously. being a photographer/art major is hard stuff. i spend two hours printing for tomorrow art sale. YOU ALL SHOULD BUY OUR PHOTOS! IT WILL HELP WITH SCOTLAND! :D i promise i will post longer ones but lately i haven't had time but to do this little blogs until tomorrow! :D

Monday, April 16, 2012

day number sixteen

so i just got home. seriously. i hate having long days. i am finally eating should be the words of my night. i was sitting in the library doing my sociology paper. WHICH I GOT DONE AHEAD OF MY SCHEDULE! :D and i was munching in life cereal. but anywho i am eating left over pork chops and rice. damn i am a good cook! :D i made dinner for emily and i yesterday. but yeah. my sociology paper was a book review (pretty sure i did it wrong eeeeeeek) and the book was called the beauty myth and it was interesting. to the point of i wasn't comfortable reading it. okay i lie. i skimmed it. because the paper could only be 8 pages long. and i had to put my own social understandings in the paper and it would end up being a 12 page paper if i went into full detail on whatnot. but yeah. more on that later. i am tired of typing. i spend 3 hours on my paper tonight and i am tired. i am tired of looking at my computer. i will talk more about the book later. until tomorrow!!! :D

Sunday, April 15, 2012

day number fifteen

okay. really, the weather NEEDS to decide what it wants to do. if it rains i want it to storm. at home they had tornado watches and had thunderstorms. :( it sucks i want a storm so bad. god i have NOTHING to talk about. my mind is going a mile a minute and i have no idea what to put down on the page. i have things that i want to talk about but i haven't found myself typing about any of them. however. this week is going to be hella busy. i am going to try to get my final papers done tuesday. also. I DONT HAVE FINALS! :D i have final papers. and optional finals. haha. okay hold it. i have a "final" in sociology. basically it is an essay final. so i don't count writing an essay as a final. but woooooo!!!!!! :D no finals, only final projects and papers. and optional finals. (which i might take, everyone likes extra points) until tomorrow. :D

Saturday, April 14, 2012

day number fourteen

once again short. my finger has been hurting a lot today. i don't know if it is because i keep using my finger or something. but yeah. it is super hard to type and i wish i didn't have to keep it wrapped all the time. but yeah. i promise i will post something longer once my finger is completely healed. i mean i have 2.5 papers to write and typing is HARD. homework. why you make it so i can't go hangout with him?! seriously. i told my friend i would come over and hang out/bug him tonight but that failed because of homework. BUT i did go outside on this beautiful day before i got super cloudy and helped a friend with her photo homework. until tomorrow. :D

Friday, April 13, 2012

day number thirteen

i feel like until my finger is completely healed and i don't have to wear a gauze on my finger so it doesn't get grossly dirty these are going to be super super short. which i hate before i would rather type for aw ile. emily and i have been sitting in the living room since five watching random tv shows and movies. it just get hooked on one and BAM we watch a few hours of tv together. not going to lie. i like it when it is just emily and myself in the apartment. we don't have to have lights on and we can just sit and talk about whatever and it is super quiet if we aren't talking or watching tv. which is nice. until tomorrow!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

day number twelve

so....this week needs to end. i seriously can't do anything because of my finger. i never realized how much i use my left hand til now. and this isn't my week. today i burnt my dinner. i NEVER burn things when cooking. so you know there is something wrong with me. okay. this is short again... sorry. i promise to sit down and write something soon.