Friday, February 10, 2012

scotland...scotland SCOTLAND!

okay. so i applied for my passport almost a week ago. it will be a week ago on friday. but SCOTALND! i am super pumped to go! seriously. i want it to be May now! :D ha. well Scotland should be fun. i haven't been over seas ever. so i am super excited but also nervous beyond anything in my life. seriously. its scary thinking of going over seas and having to understand a different culture and language. haha which makes me sort of want to learn the gaelic language! odd yea i know but i think it would be super fun to know. seeing how scotland, and ireland speak it. i think scotland does. but i know ireland does. which i want to go to as well. i hope my grandparents decide to go to ireland again soon so i can go with them this time! :D i was suppose to go the last time the two of them went but i couldn't because they were going during the school year. and also they went when i was working at valleyfair.

so i am sitting at caribou coffee enjoying my coffee and not studying. oops. i am suppose to be studying but i can't wrap my mind around art history or chemistry right now. okay i haven't been completely lazy. i finished a chem quiz that is due in three or four days. but while i was sitting doing my quiz this creepy old guy sat next to me. which at first i didn't mind. but there are several seats open at the coffee shop and he happen to pick the one right next to me. and when i mean right next to me. i mean right next to me. i am sitting in the comfy chairs at caribou and there is one not even a foot away from me. then he gets up and talks to a soldier that was sitting in the shop. leaves somewhere. comes back and sits in the other set of comfy chairs that are at least seven feet away from me and just stared at me. for fifteen minutes straight. you know how hard it is to work on something when you are being stared at! and can you say creepy. seriously. i was thinking of leaving the shop just because i didn't feel comfortable sitting there. haha.

anywho, he left and now i am still sitting here. but still. it was weird. i need to be less observant when i sit places. i seem to notice the little things that are weird. i mean this lady came in, and brought her own coffee mug. no biggie. people do it all the time. its just funny or weird that it was a Starbucks coffee mug and she is at a Caribou Coffee Shop. haha. maybe that is just me but meh. i wonder why i am so observant lately. i notice the littlest things about people. who knows. maybe its the way i am right now.

so i am going home at the end of the month. and i really want to go home now. i think i need a weekend off campus but i don't want to go home more then once a month now. seeing how gas prices jumped and what not. oh well. i am going home for my friends 21st birthday! i'm super excited because i haven't seen her for what seems like years. but i am sure its only been a year or little less then a year.

i suppose i should get going and start working on something productive. like .... making my website for photography or something. seeing how its on my to-do list but i haven't gotten it done yet.
